Hi !
I am not really sure how to start this blog post :)
I never thought that I would be teaching anyone let alone 1000's of people to crochet. It started with one video and 3 years later there are over 400 .. I even shock my self when I look at the stats of my videos. Who would have ever thought that more than 27,000 people would ever care or want to hear what I have to say. I am so blessed to have such a dedicated fan base. No i really am, it is a dream to teach what I love (very addicted to) to any one that will listen. Everyone is so supportive and I can "feel" the support of each and every one of you
Now on to why I started this blog post ....
I would LOVE to make 'bobwilson123' my full time job, at the moment I personally put in 50 plus hours a week to keep it running smoothly, but the pay really sucks hahahahaha To keep me from going back to work full time at a REAL job - yes I have bills too, No fancy car or posh house here :) I have decided to have advertising on my blog, YouTube channel and I am thinking about my Facebook page. I do not want you to think that I am going all commercial and forcing you to use certain products, its not like that at all, its just a way for me to keep bobwilson123 FREE to the consumer - that's you :) I have all my videos and written patterns free for your pleasure. I also have a TEAM and when I say team of ladies we really are a team :) Amanda, Olgaa, Cassie, Laura and Monica help me keep things running smoothly... you didn't think i did EVERYTHING my self did you hehehe I might be good but I'm not Superwoman :) Between my ladies they put in over 35 hours a month.... between us that's a grand total of 235 hours a month !!! EEkk!!
So I hope you understand why I need to have advertising on my various pages, I really do love what I do and love to connect with all of you. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you are having a great week
Hugs, Clare or better known as bobwilson123